Are you looking to sell your course but cannot afford to build a new LMS website from scratch? Are you skilled in something and are looking to monetize it? Worry no more. We are here to help.
We help instructors like you sell their courses on this platform using a revenue share model to help you gain income from your skills.
We have a team of videographers and editors who can help you shoot your content at a subsidized fee. We will also help market your course(s) to the Brait Academy community.
Most young people possess skills which they can monetize by transferring the knowledge to another. The costs of starting a new Learning Management System (LMS) website from scratch is expansive and Brait Academy exists to empower instructors with a platform to share sell their content.
Brait Academy will enter a contract with the instructor where the instructor will publish their courses on the platform and Brait Academy will help in hosting the course and enter a revenue sharing deal where Brait will collect a 30% fee off any purchase purchase of the course. The instructor will in turn keep 70% of the proceeds after taxes.
Brait Academy will ensure that the videos are of high quality in terms of video resolution and audio quality before quality to ensure students get the very best of course content. Brait Academy will recommend to instructors budget friendly recording gear or offer video recording services to the instructors at a very subsidized rate.
Once onboarded, you will have access to your instructor dashboard where you will be able to publish your courses which after publishing comes to us for review. We will be able to review the course and get back to you in case there is need to rectify anything.
We use a global trusted payment merchant who accepts local and international cards and also accepts local mobile money merchants like MPESA. This will enable you collect payment using various payment methods available from students both local and international. The payment merchant settles in two working days and has enabled a revenue splitting model from inside their dashboard therefore you get settled with your split already.
You will be able to see your earnings directly from your dashboard, get to know and interact with your students, see their quiz attempts, view course withdrawals, make announcements to them and even export a detailed report of your sales and students.
Brait LMS revolutionizes the way schools, institutions, and coaches deliver educational content